Laptop fan very noisy and hot


Active member

I bought an Optimus gaming laptop and the fan runs very noisy and hot pretty much all the time.

Is this normal please?


Stephen M

Author Level
How long have you had the laptop, if it is some time it would be worth checking the fans and heatsinks for dust and cleaning them, also checking the thermal paste, even on a new laptop that is not always perfect.


Multiverse Poster
In addition to the above, have you monitored the CPU and GPU temps with something like Realtemp?


Hello Altissimus,

I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing temperature issues with this new build.

Thank you for giving us a ring today, I hope that Control Centre download solved this. Please do let us know whether this has brought the temperatures and noise down on the system.

I look forward to hearing from you.


New member
I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing temperature issues with this new build.

Thank you for giving us a ring today, I hope that Control Centre download solved this. Please do let us know whether this has brought the temperatures and noise down on the system.

I've had a Defiance laptop for coming up a couple of years now, recently it has started running hot and noisey. Today, I took the back off and vacummed the fans/vents and while that has improved things a bit it is still quite noisey. The main noise level seems to be coming from the single fan rather than the pair of fans, also that's where the heat is coming from.

What can I do to get my laptop running quietly again?

You mention a control centre download, where can I get that from? Also, would a re-pasting of the CPU help matters? I'm assuming that's what the single fan cooling.



I've had a Defiance laptop for coming up a couple of years now, recently it has started running hot and noisey. Today, I took the back off and vacummed the fans/vents and while that has improved things a bit it is still quite noisey. The main noise level seems to be coming from the single fan rather than the pair of fans, also that's where the heat is coming from.

What can I do to get my laptop running quietly again?

You mention a control centre download, where can I get that from? Also, would a re-pasting of the CPU help matters? I'm assuming that's what the single fan cooling.


Did you ever get this solved? Similar happened to mine after about 7-8 months of ownership. This was about a year ago.