Disappointing results from SSD on Asus P6X58d-e MB


Active member

Need some help please guys.

So I recently added a Samsung 1TB 840 EVO SSD to my rig, built by PC Specialist and using the Asus P6X58D-E MB. When I spoke to PC Specialist prior to the SSD purchase they were "not aware of any problems" with the MB running Sata 3. However, the SSD appears to achieve very low read/write rates to what I would've expected.

I'm basing this off the read/write data presented in Task Manger (Win 8.1). I have attached the SSD to the Sata 3 ports on the Marvell 9128 Controller (which appears to be notorious) using a Sata 3 cable. I am currently getting write speeds of <20MB/s.

Is there a decent tool I can use to test real speeds? Is there anything I can do to get better speeds out of the Sata 3 ports on this MB?

Any other advice please?



Superhero Level Poster
you would need to use something like crystal disk mark to get a better idea. Using the data in task manager isn't going to provide you with too much information as its not designed to stress the disk like a benchmark would.

The other thing you need to take into account is that real world speeds for SSD's are often lower than the advertised speeds, and by often I mean ALWAYS.

Lastly, how long ago did you add the SSD? The Samsung drives running old firmware have a know bug that slows the drive to a crawl once data is past 3-4 months. A firmware update will solve this and once you run a tool to run over your data it goes back to normal speed. it is possible you could run disk mark and find it functioning perfectly but the could be the reason the drive is crawling.